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Why Writers Procrastinate and How to Stop

October 7, 2020 0 Comments

I received a request for a post about procrastination with regard to writing. It is an excellent subject since just about everyone I know procrastinates their writing from time to time.

I sat and thought about the reasons behind procrastination. I have had people tell me that they procrastinate because they’re lazy. I don't believe that is the reason at all.

A Few Reasons I Feel Writers Procrastinate

  • Lack of confidence- I know that when I put off writing, it is because I’m not sure what to write next or how to begin and that’s intimidating. I put it off until lightning strikes in my mind. And, we all know how long that takes to happen if it happens at all.
  • Lack of direction- sometimes when we write, we get on a roll and our fingers fly across the keyboard as we try to keep up with the thoughts coming at rapid-fire. Most of the time, that is not the caSe. If we are not sure what to write, how to start, or how to continue, we put it off, hoping for a brilliant idea to fall into our laps.
  • Poor time management- when we fill our day from start to finish with things, not leaving ourselves optimum time to write, we tend to procrastinate. Instead, think about why it is you fail to set aside writing time throughout your week.
  • Life overwhelms- when we cram our days with our other jobs, errands, cleaning, cooking, writing, kids, etc., we can’t settle our minds enough to sit down and write.
  • Too many distractions- if there is chaos going on around us, we tend to put off writing until when and if the chaos dies down.

What`s the Common Theme?


Fear? What do I have to be afraid of, you ask?

Maybe deep down inside you don’t feel that you’re a good enough writer.

Maybe you feel no one will want to read your work.

Maybe you feel no one will like your work.

Maybe you’re afraid to say to people, whether you currently have a writing job or not, that you are a writer and need some quiet time to write. I know for me, sometimes I feel like people are going to think I’m asking for the time, that to them is worthless because I’m not getting paid. The only way to become a writer, in any way you choose, is to actually write and to do it consistently.


Schedule writing in your calendar just as you would something else that you need to do, such as go to the dentist, or get the oil changed in your car.

Sometimes, when you have it blocked out in your calendar, you tend to stick to it and actually sit down and write at the time you`ve set aside for it.

Other Reasons Why We Procrastinate

Most people wait for inspiration to strike or for the perfect moment to write. If we do that, we may never put pen to paper again.

Make writing a priority!

If you`re not yet getting paid to write, and therefore have no deadlines, you may want to create your own deadlines.

Also, keep reminding yourself, whenever you find yourself procrastinating, why you started writing in the first place. Because you love it.

Treat Your Writing as it`s Your Job

Even if it isn’t yet. If you take your writing seriously, others will too. If it walks like a writer, talks like a writer, and acts as a writer, it must be a writer.

How can you expect others to take your writing seriously if you don’t? Procrastination is sometimes another way of saying that it isn’t as important to you as it should be. If it was, you wouldn’t put it off as much as you do.

Remember, Procrastination is a Choice

Be honest with yourself and make yourself answer this question:

If I love writing, why am I putting it off?

Suggestions to Help With Procrastination

  • Create a writing space. It’s easier to procrastinate if there’s no space that beckons you to write.
  • Pick a spot where you’re most comfortable writing.
  • Make sure your favorite writing things are in one area. It’s easier to get started and to establish a writing routine that way.
  • Limit distractions. It’s tough putting yourself in the writing mindset when there are distractions- noise and commotion going on around you.
  • Set real and achievable goals. Put them in your calendar and commit to reaching them.

***A writing space is vital to help eliminate procrastination.

A Final Tip

Get a writing buddy, even if they’re not a writer themselves. Get someone with whom you’re close, to let you know when it’s time to write, someone who will hold you accountable.

Maybe tell that person, “I need to begin writing at 3:00 today. Would you mind giving me a gentle reminder when that time rolls around?”

Sometimes, all we need is a gentle nudge, a bit of support, and encouragement.

I hope this gives those of you who find yourself procrastinating from time to time, some helpful ideas and tips.

Drop me a line in the comments or in my Facebook Group, The Ins and Outs of Novel Writing, and let me know how you liked the ideas, and to maybe give me a few of your own.

Happy Writing! Gina

By writeon22

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