So, my husband and I took my 89-year-old mother on a little vacation for a few days out of state. It went great for the first 24 hours. She was having the time of her life… until she wasn’t. She had a seizure and stroke in my arms. Not the best vacation ever, that’s for sure.
As you can probably imagine, the furthest thing on my mind is writing. I haven’t been feeling it.
But then it hit me……
Writing should be the EXACT thing on my mind, and I’ll explain why I say that. I sat and thought about why I wrote in the first place. My response to myself was because I love it, and it makes me feel good. The main reasons people write in the first place are to:
- To celebrate a win
- To express yourself
- To focus
- To heal
- To relieve stress
- And I’m sure there are many more reasons, but you get the idea.

Writing can be quite cathartic. For me, the most difficult part of writing is to make myself do it when it’s the last thing I feel like doing. In my opinion, we all should:
- Write when we feel like writing.
- Write when we don’t feel like writing.
- Write when we’re overwhelmed.
- Write when we’re stressed.
- Use writing as our hobby, meditation, and therapy to find balance and peace.
- Use writing to help with whatever state our mind and life are in, whether good or bad.
I’ll be honest. I had to force myself to go to my office and type up this blog post. I didn’t want to do it. However, now that I am, I feel better and have more energy, really.
When you are busy, stressed, and have a million obligations, writing is one of the easiest things to put on the side burner.
DON’T DO THAT. Instead, USE writing to help you.
Besides, that’s what many of us do already. But remember to do it when you feel you can’t, for whatever reason. Writing can be extremely rewarding to our minds, bodies, and spirit.
Let it work its magic!
Happy Writing!