I know that along with all of you, is that writing is not for the weak.
Every written word you put out into the world leaves you wide open to opinions, some kind and encouraging, some mean, degrading, and hurtful.

Those negative comments can leave you feeling gutted…. if you let them.
DON’T LET THEM! Those kinds of comments are coming from people who haven’t been taught tact and empathy. They’re not worth your time.
What Should I Focus on Instead?
That’s a good question, don’t you think? Before I answer it, let me ask you something else.
Have you ever read a book that, once you finished, changed you?
That kind of story brings laughter, tension, a little sadness maybe, and character that seem so real, they leap off the page, and hit you right in the feels.
How to Create a Protagonist Your Readers Will Never Forget
Yep! I have too!
With all the above in mind, when you sit down to write, do you consider what feelings, thoughts, and changes your story evokes in your readers? If not, what would make a reader binge everything you’ve written?
You must give them a reason to want to!
If not, what would make readers binge everything you’ve written, and want more?
You MUST give them a reason to do so. I have a suggestions of what to keep in mind BEFORE bring your story to life.

Things to Keep in Mind Before and During Your Writing:
- Do your characters have enough personality, drive, goals, and character arcs to leave your readers forever changed?
- Have you proofread your work several times, put it through an online editor (Grammarly Premium link above), ensured the punctuation and grammar are impeccable?
- Do you have excitement and forward motion of the storyline EACH and EVERY chapter?
- Do you know EXACTLY where your story is headed and how it will end?
- Are you sure your story is all it can be?
If you’re not giving 100% yeses to every bullet point above, your story, if it gets into the hands of a reader most likely won’t leave your reader begging for more.
And…. isn’t that what every serious writer wants to leave behind with every page turn?
Happy Writing!
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