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The Time is Write Spotlight

March 20, 2020 0 Comments

Featuring: Terrah Cooper Pena

Hello Writers,

I will be creating several blog posts featuring members of my Facebook Group, The Ins and Outs of Novel Writing. I’m calling it The Time is Write Spotlight.

The purpose is twofold. I’d like the members of the group to get to know each other better and also to learn about and celebrate each other’s achievement no matter how big or small. We’re all learning and getting better and giving each other a small spotlight helps us all grow as writers.

If you’d like to be included, join the Facebook Group, The Ins and Outs of Novel Writing, and find the post about being featured. Comment that you’d like to be featured and I’ll Facebook Messenger you a questionnaire and I’ll feature your responses and works on my blog.

This is the time to let people know on my blog, Facebook page, and Facebook Group all about you and your writing achievements whether that’s a blog, book, writing job, or anything else you do that included writing.

Please enjoy learning about Terrah Cooper Pena. She has a wonderful blog and Facebook page.. Check it out. Magical Moments for Body and Beauty, and

Spotlight on Terrah Cooper Pena:

  1. Where do you get your projects? Typically I wait for ideas to pop into my head. Sometimes the best ideas come to me while taking a shower or even while I’m vacuuming the house. 
  2. Where do you get your ideas? My go-to method involves problem-solving and solutions. I like to find out the whys and hows. My biggest goal is to write information that will help others. 
  3. What are your writing achievements? To date, my biggest achievement would be an article I wrote last year that has been shared well over 2k times. 
  4. Do you run a blog or website?
  5. Do you have any published works? yes
  6. What is your writing process like? It all begins with a cup of coffee and my laptop. If I’m excited about an idea then I will spend several hours writing and take multiple breaks to reboot my tired brain. This on and off process takes place over a couple of days or until I’m ready to hit the post button. 
  7. Do you have any advice for beginning writers? The biggest piece of advice I have is to be as relatable with your readers as you can. Of course, this will depend on your genre. 
  8. Are you friends with any authors and do they help you become a better writer? I do have a few friends I connect with through Facebook groups. We share advice and encourage each other as needed.  
  9. What was the best money you’ve ever spent as a writer? My husband purchased an Alexa for our family a few years ago. As silly as it sounds, she has saved me tons of wasted time googling synonyms and random definitions to words.
  10. How many unpublished and half-finished works do you have? At the moment, I have one article that has been put on pause.
  11. What’s your most successful form of marketing? Pinterest has been amazingly helpful. The cool thing about Pinterest is the ability to create pins whenever I want. I can reach a much larger audience by staying consistent with new pins and repinning old content. 
  12. What is the most difficult part of your artistic process? Reaching an audience. Even with social media, it can be difficult to grab an audience. 
  13. Describe the support system you have around your writing? My teenage daughter is my number one supporter. She is an excellent writer herself. Thankfully she is in advanced English, so she does help with editing.
  14. What in your opinion are the most important elements of good writing? Sharing helpful information and of course, creating entertaining pieces of work. 
  15. How do you develop your plot and characters? If I incorporate stories into my articles I tend to base characters off of real people that I have encountered over my lifetime. 
  16. What is the most difficult part of writing for you? Editing and grammar. Thank goodness for Grammarly. 
  17. Is writing your full-time career? Yes
  18. Do you have any new projects on the horizon? I’m currently in the “brainstorming” phase. 
  19. What do you like to do when you are not writing? Baking, testing beauty products and spending time with family. 
  20. Share something your readers wouldn’t know about you. I was once considered for a reality show but never got the final call back. 

Thank you, Terrah, for sharing your writing life with us. I hope you will all check out and support Terrah’s blog.

Next Spotlight we’ll get to know Don McCann. Stay tuned.

Happy Writing! Gina

By writeon22

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