A writer recently asked me if they should always stick to the same genre’. They told me that they had ideas for novels in several genres and had trouble sticking to just one.
Through what I’ve read on this topic, plus my own two cents, here’s what I learned.
It’s a good idea if you plan on writing a series in each genre’. That way, you can build a following for each.
It’s a bad idea (potentially) if you plan on writing a random book in a genre’ then doing the same in another genre’ IF you want to build a following.
People who love your romance novel may not be interested in your sci-fi book and could lose interest in you while waiting and hoping for another book from you in their favorite genre’.
But, I Still Want to Write in Various Genres
If that’s the case, then I say, Go For It! Just make sure you keep a few things in mind.
If a reader loves a book of yours written in a certain genre’, then don’t take forever to release another book in that same genre’.
Consider Writing in Different Genres Within the Same Genre’
Let me give you an example of what I mean. Let’s say your favorite or most successful genre’ is paranormal BUT you’re getting the itch to write a romance.
Well, consider writing that romantic novel, but maybe your protagonist is in love with a ghost who has been dead for a century.
OR she/he is in love with a time traveler.
So, I Can Merge Genres?
Yes. You can always merge genres. That’s basically what I do. I love writing about time travel, magic, and ghosts. No matter what storyline I come up with, I make sure, no matter if it’s a romance, historical fiction, horror, etc., that it fits my original genre’. It doesn’t matter if I want to write a Hallmark-ish romance. I simply make sure the story either has a ghost, a time traveler, or some magic, and BOOM! the perfect combination. AND I don’t lose followers.
Doing it this way, I always have the freedom of writing in any genre’ without the stress of losing readership.
Try that the next time inspiration strikes. Don’t worry about the genre’. Pick whatever genre’ you’re feeling at the time, but add in that which can keep it uniform throughout your novels.
I hope this helps.
Happy Writing!