I’m sorry if this post sounds like a commercial, but I discovered something and I wanted to share it with my writing family.
I’m guessing many of you have heard of Grammarly.
I heard of it quite a while ago and I had their free version, but…
Wait for it……
I now have Grammarly Premium and it’s making me a better writer. I know. I can’t believe it either. It’s also making my writing more fun than it already is. The free version doesn’t show you ALL the mistakes you may be making. The paid version is so worth it. Who knew?

What’s so great about it?
Oh, there are a few different things I love.
While no editing program can do as thorough a job as a human editor, we can’t always afford a human editor. In my opinion, Grammarly Premium is the next best thing.
I recently paid for one month of it to take it for a spin and here’s what I love so far:
- You can simply drag and drop in a document and it’ll immediately go to town with how to improve it.
Small Word of Warning, However
Be a bit careful, though. Because it’s based on algorithms and not done by a human, it isn’t perfect. Make sure you read over their suggestions before agreeing to apply the recommended changes. They’re not always correct. That being said, it’s the next best thing to a real editor, and a lot more affordable.
- Grammarly Premium detects many things, such as: run on sentences, punctuation and grammatical errors, plagiarism, passive voice mistakes, and many other things.
- I LOVE that I can open up the program and have it correct mistakes AS I’M writing. That saves me hours of editing after the fact.
- I LOVE that it’s so critical that it picks out writing errors I never knew were wrong, so I learn as I go.
- I LOVE that it’s tightened up my writing, helping me to eliminate unnecessary words. My writing is improving by leaps and bounds.
I only paid for one month of Grammarly Premium because I only planned on using it for the book I just finished. I plan on paying for a year so I can use it for EVERYTHING, including short stories, blog posts, and anything else I need to write.
I had no idea it was so valuable. Their pricing is such that it gets more cost effective the longer amount of time you choose to pay for up front. I think it’s 156 and some change for a year which comes out to about $11.66 per month. There’s a 6 month option too. I’m not sure the cost but it’s somewhere in between the two.

I paid the $29.95 charge for a month, but I plan on paying for the year. I never knew I’d love it this much when I decided to try it out for a month.
Consider it. You may be surprised at how your writing improves. I’ve had a few questions from those who follow my blog asking me how to improve their writing. Other than reading as much as you can and writing as much as you can, using Grammarly Premium will help you just as much if not more to improve your skills.
Click on any of the Grammarly links you see throughout this post and try it out for yourself. I thought I’d try the free version first, but there’s simply no comparison between the free and paid version. The paid version blows the free version out of the water.
I have had fun competing with it to see if I can get through an entire page of writing without one error. It hasn’t happened yet, but I hold out hope. Haha
Here’s the link once again, if you’d like to give it a try.

I love it way more than I thought I would. I hope you do too. Drop me a line in the comments, if you’d be so kind and let me know what you think.
Until next time,
Happy Writing! Gina
*Stay tuned! The next short story contest is coming soon.