The mind of a writer is an interesting place. So many writers say they love to write, self included, yet at times, they either can’t get themselves to pick up the pen and paper. There are many reasons for this: lack of time, writer’s block, or are just plain tired.
I get it. I’ve been there many times. I’ve discovered something that helps me when any of the above happens. I decided to share it, in case it can help you too.
I am currently writing my sixth novel. However, I feel as if it’s ticking along at a glacier pace. I can’t seem to pick up any momentum. It’s like a snowball rolling uphill. In my case, it’s because I’m now working as a full-time Content Writer and Ghostwriter with a new client/project about to begin. I can’t always get in the zone.

Sometimes I can’t get into the headspace of writing my novel. So, here’s what I do.
First of all, I don’t stress over it. If I can’t write, no matter what the reason (excuse), I read instead.
I know, I know. How does reading help you to spend time on my writing? It does. Hang in there. I’ll explain.
If you’re not in the groove of writing, whatever the reason, READ! Read to escape. Read to regroup. Read to find inner happiness and….. wait for it…. writing inspiration.
Before I go to bed, every single night, I read on my Kindle. It not only helps me to relax, unwind, and destress, it helps me with ideas. I’ve read that you should read in your genre’, as it can make you a better writer. I agree with that but I do something further to help kickstart my enthusiasm.
There is always a little time to write if you make it a priority in your life, even if it’s only a few minutes at a time. Sometimes I lose my mojo though, and it’s not just about time. It’s that my brain stops thinking and imagining inside my little fictional world.
That’s when I pick up a book outside of my writing genre’. By choosing something completely different, it gives you a different perspective, sucking you into a different world. It not only centers me, but it also gives me a fresh look at characters, settings, and plot. I love to read books by an author named Susanne O’Leary. She’s a lovely Irish woman who writes dramas/love stories set in the Irish countryside.

Her descriptions are beautiful and for a short time, I’ve transported away to beautiful coastal views, and her writing is so vivid, I can smell the ocean, taste the food, and get goosebumps looking at her sunsets. It’s made me a better writer.
So, next time you feel stale, stop, regroup, and read something different. It can potentially whisk you away to another world for a short time and when you return, you will have gained a different insight into the world of fiction.
Give it a try. It always works for me.
Happy Writing. Gina