Writing a novel is no easy task.
There is so much that goes into constructing a novel that it can be overwhelming and may even cause you to throw in the towel.
I don’t want you to ever get to that point, so I started my blog www.thetimeiswrite.com.
There are many posts in the blog that cover various novel writing topics to help you along your novel writing journey.
Some of the things that great writers focus on are:
- Excellent grammar and punctuation. I can’t stress enough how important this is.
- Excellent sentence structure
- Flow
- Avoiding plot holes. I hate when I read a book and the author fails to tie up all loose ends
- Character arcs (making sure your main characters change and grow throughout the story)
- Areas of intense scenes, keeping readers ont he edge of their seats, and areas that are more “feel good” giving readers a chance to catch their breath.
- An engaging book description so readers want to read your book. This part is much more difficult than it sounds.
- Realistic characters readers can relate to, cheer for, love, hate, and wish were real people.
There is much more than this list that goes into creating a great novel. I can be overwhelming, I know.

How to Think Like an Olympic Athlete
I’d like you to liken being a writer to being an Olympic athlete. There are no athletes who take up a sport, practice a few things, then win an Olympic medal.
Years of training their sport, their minds and bodies, eating right, knowing their opponents strengths and weaknesses, along with the mental fortitude to perfect their craft is what goes into winning an Olympic medal.
A great writer gets to be a great writer the same way. So, here is my advice for you:
- Learn constantly. Take every free and low cost course you can on all aspects of writing. See Udemy for great, low cost courses on many subjects. Click here —–> https://www.udemy.com/
- Sign up for free newsletters your favorite authors have.
- Practice, practice, practice everything you learn so it becomes a habit.
- Ask your favorite writers for advice. Many of them are generous and happy to give some advice.
- Sign up for blogs and really read the articles. Take notes. Ask the person who runs the blog questions.
- Implement what you learn into your writing as you learn.
- Never stop learning. You can always improve.

I am proud of how hard i work toi improve my skills every day.
Now, get out there and learn all you can, and be proud of all you learn and accomplish.
I believe in you.
Happy Writing! Gina